Project Update — April 2022
MultiNodes on Fantom and On-Demand Buy Backs
Key Highlights:
- 32,500+ Holders of $MCC on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Fantom Chain.
- 5,700+ MultiNodes Created Across Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Fantom.
- Total Treasury Value is now at $26.7M.
- Expansion of #MultiNodes on Fantom.
- Launch of On-Demand Buy Backs of $MCC.
- Eight Incubation Projects Providing An Additional Pillar of Sustainability for #MultiNodes.
MultiNodes on Fantom
To continue the Ethos that is “Multi-Chain Capital” — we have expanded our flagship product — MultiNodes onto the Fantom network. This makes MultiNodes the first Tri-Chain (ETH, BSC, FTM) Node Project, a true tribute to our Multi-Chain roots.
Secondary Market
Since all MultiNodes are functionally an NFT (Non-Funglible Token) under-the-hood, they are transferable in nature and can be sold on a secondary market. All future rewards (payable in $MCC) are then transferred as well to the new owner.
For the Fantom Network, the secondary marketplace for MultiNodes is on PaintSwap.
On-Demand Buy Backs
One of the most frequent questions regarding the project has been:
“When Buy Backs?”
Now the answer is simple — Anytime you want.
To further decentralization of $MCC Buy Backs, an interface has been created to use Multi-Chain Capital Treasury funds to create on-demand buy backs at request of the user. The $MCC is purchased and sent to the MultiNodes rewards contract to ensure long term sustainability of the project.
The SmartContract for Buy Backs is deployed on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Fantom.
To initiate an MCC Buy Back, use the tool here:
Multi-Chain Capital: On-Demand Buy Backs
Incubation Projects
In addition to the Multi-Chain Capital Flagship Product Suite, incubation projects provide the opportunity to innovate “outside-the-box”.
Each incubation project provides the capability to automatically buy back $MCC for the MultiNodes rewards pool, which provides a direct benefit to $MCC holders even if they never engage in the incubation projects.
View the latest “Multi-Chain Capital: Incubations” here:
Multi-Chain Capital: Incubations
Treasury Update
The Total Multi-Chain Capital Treasury is now valued at $26.7M.
Additional Information:
- Website: - Discord: - Telegram: - Twitter: - Medium: - Buy on Uniswap on Ethereum:
$MCC on Uniswap - Buy on PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain:
$MCC on PancakeSwap - Buy on SpookySwap on Fantom:
$MCC on SpookySwap
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Node Income is subject to change over time.